G. C. Ferrante

E-mail address:
gcf (at) ieee (dot) org
firstname (dot) middlename (dot) surname (at) ericsson (dot) com
Mail address:
Dr. Guido Carlo Ferrante
Ericsson Research
Torshamnsgatan 21
164 83 Stockholm
Journal Articles
R. Devassy, G. Durisi, G. C. Ferrante, O. Simeone, E. Uysal-Biyikoglu,
“Reliable Transmission of Short Packets through Queues
and Noisy Channels under Latency and Peak-Age Violation Guarantees,”
IEEE J. Sel. Areas in Commun., vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 721–734, Apr. 2019
M. P. T. Le, G. C. Ferrante, T. Q. S. Quek, M.-G. Di Benedetto,
“Fundamental Limits of Low-Density Spreading NOMA,”
IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 4648–4659, June 2018
- G. C. Ferrante, T. Q. S. Quek, M. Z. Win,
“Revisiting the Capacity of Noncoherent Fading Channels in mmWave System,”
IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 601–614, Feb. 2018
- Z. Chen, G. C. Ferrante, H. H. Yang, T. Q. S. Quek,
“Capacity of Energy Harvesting Binary Symmetric Channels with a (σ,ρ)-Power Constraint,”
IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 65, no. 8, pp. 3259–3275, Aug. 2017
- G. C. Ferrante, G. Geraci, T. Q. S. Quek, M. Z. Win,
“Group-Blind Detection for Uplink of Massive MIMO System,”
IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 1272-1286, Mar. 2017
- G. C. Ferrante, M.-G. Di Benedetto,
“Spectral efficiency of Random Time-Hopping CDMA,”
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 6643-6662, Dec. 2015
- G. C. Ferrante,
“Is a large bandwidth mandatory to maximally exploit the transmit matched-filter structure?,”
IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 1555-1558, Sept. 2014
- G. C. Ferrante, M.-G. Di Benedetto,
“Closed form asymptotic expression of a random-access interference measure,”
IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 1107-1110, July 2014
Conference Proceedings
G. C. Ferrante,
“Approaching Capacity Without Pilots via Nonlinear Processing at the Edge,” in
Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT),
Los Angeles, CA (online), 2020
J. Östman, R. Devassy, G. C. Ferrante, and G. Durisi,
“Low-Latency Short-Packet Transmissions: Fixed Length or HARQ?,”
Proc. IEEE Glob. Commun. Conf. (Globecom), 2018
R. Devassy, G. Durisi, G. C. Ferrante, O. Simeone, and E. Uysal-Biyikoglu,
“Delay and Peak-Age Violation Probability in Short-Packet Transmissions,” in
Proc. Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT),
Vail, CO, USA, June 2018
G. C. Ferrante, J. Östman, G. Durisi, and K. Kittichokechai,
“Pilot-assisted short-packet transmission over multi- antenna fading channels: A 5G case study,” in
Proc. Conf. Inf. Sciences and Systems (CISS),
Princeton, NJ, USA, Mar. 2018, pp. -
- Z. Chen, G. C. Ferrante, H. H. Yang, T. Q. S. Quek,
“Capacity Bounds on Energy Harvesting Binary Symmetric Channels with Finite Battery,” in
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC),
Paris, France, May 2017, pp. 1-6
- G. C. Ferrante, T. Q. S. Quek, M. Z. Win,
“An Achievable Rate Region for Superposed Timing Channels,” in
Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT),
Barcelona, Spain, July 2016, pp. 365-369
- G. C. Ferrante, T. Q. S. Quek, M. Z. Win,
“Timing Capacity of Queues with Random Arrival and Modified Service Times,” in
Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT),
Barcelona, Spain, July 2016, pp. 370-374
- G. C. Ferrante, T. Q. S. Quek, M. Z. Win,
“Revisiting the Capacity of Noncoherent Fading Channels in mmWave System,” in
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC),
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016, pp. 1-6
- G. C. Ferrante, G. Geraci, T. Q. S. Quek, M. Z. Win,
“Group Blind Detection with Very Large Antenna Arrays in the Presence of Pilot Contamination,” in
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process. (ICASSP),
Shanghai, P.R.C., Mar. 2016, pp.
- G. C. Ferrante, J. Fiorina, M.-G. Di Benedetto,
“Statistical analysis of the SNR loss due to imperfect time reversal,”
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB),
Paris, France, Sept. 2014, pp. 36-40
- G. C. Ferrante, J. Fiorina, M.-G. Di Benedetto,
“Time Reversal beamforming in MISO-UWB channels,”
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB),
Sydney, Australia, Sept. 2013, pp. 261-266
- G. Caso, L. De Nardis, G. C. Ferrante, M.-G. Di Benedetto,
“Cooperative spectrum sensing based on majority decision under CFAR and CDR constraints,”
in Proc. IEEE Annu. Int. Symp. Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Commun. (PIMRC),
London, U.K., Sept. 2013, pp. 51-55
- G. C. Ferrante,
“Time Reversal against optimum precoder over frequency-selective channels,”
in Proc. European Wireless Conf.,
Poznan, Poland, Apr. 2012, pp. 1-8
- G. C. Ferrante, J. Fiorina, M.-G. Di Benedetto,
“Complexity reduction by combining Time Reversal and IR-UWB,”
in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. and Networking Conf. (WCNC),
Paris, France, Apr. 2012, pp. 28-31
- S. Boldrini, G. C. Ferrante, M.-G. Di Benedetto,
“UWB network recognition based on impulsiveness of energy profiles,”
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB),
Bologna, Italy, Sept. 2011, pp. 327-330
Short bio
I am a Senior Researcher with Ericsson Research in Stockholm, Sweden.
Previously, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Chalmers University of Techonology, Gothenburg, Sweden,
where I worked with Giuseppe Durisi on several topics in information theory.
Prior to moving back to Europe, I held an
Postdoctoral Fellowship, and I spent one year at the
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore, and one year at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), MA, USA, where I worked with
Tony Q. S. Quek
and Moe Z. Win
on topics in wireless communications and networks.
Previously, I earned a double Ph.D. degree jointly at
Sapienza Università di Roma,
Italy, and CentraleSupélec
(Université Paris-Saclay), France.
The topic of my doctorate revolved around the impact of sparsity in communications.
I am interested in information theory and more broadly in applied mathematics, with a particular emphasis on several
topics in discrete probability and multivariate statistics.
I am with Ericsson Research in Stockholm:
Ericsson Research
During my studies, I have been affiliated with the following institutions (listed in reverse chronological order):
Chalmers University of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Gif-sur-Yvette (Paris)
Sapienza Università di Roma
I have been mentored and supported by (in reverse chronological order):
- G. Durisi, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), 2017–
- M. Z. Win, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MA, USA), 2015–
- T. Q. S. Quek, Singapore University of Technology and Design (Singapore), 2015–
- J. Fiorina, CentraleSupélec (France), 2010–
- M.-G. Di Benedetto, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy), 2009–
Friends and collaborators in research
A partial list of the many friends and collaborators I have made thanks to my research (in alphabetical order):
- G. Caso, Simula Met (Norway)
- Z. Chen, Chongqing University (P.R.C.)
- L. De Nardis, Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)
- G. Geraci, UPF (Spain)
- M. P. T. Le, University of Danang (Vietnam)
- P. Mohapatra, Indian Institute of Technology, Tirupati (India)
- N. Pappas, Linköping University (Sweden)
- M. Pezzulla, Aarhus University (Denmark)
- H. H. Yang, Zhejiang University (P.R.C.)
Last modified: December 15, 2020
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